Contrarianism is the simplest yet tricky superpowers anyone could have.
Contrarianism is the simplest yet tricky superpowers anyone could have.
Subtracting what’s bad before adding what’s good as a simple recipe for moving towards one’s goals.
Twitter’s grown to the world’s largest source of ideas, while also facing a crisis on their policies around free speech and policy implementation.
Ride-sharing Economies are thriving globally: but where might they be headed?
Voluntary Exposure to your highest level of acceptable stress = Simplest recipe for Greatness
No startup can disrupt an industry without redefining and rewriting, to the most basic level, the specific problem it is solving.
To assume that one knows one's highest potential is a limiting thought. In fact, a dangerously limiting thought.
A clean business strategy is, no pun intended, a unicorn.
A clean business strategy is, no pun intended, a unicorn.
Culture does eat Strategy for Breakfast. But how does a startup actually make this breakfast?
Mobile-Social-Video, the holy trinity, will bring about the next wave of Unicorns in tech. (Part 4 of 4)
Mobile-Social-Video, the holy trinity, will bring about the next wave of Unicorns in tech. (Part 3 of 4)
Mobile-Social-Video, the holy trinity, will bring about the next wave of Unicorns in tech. (Part 2 of 4)
Mobile-Social-Video, the holy trinity, will bring about the next wave of Unicorns in tech. (Part 1 of 4)
Leadership expertise is among the make-or-break factors for a startups. But do founders/entrepreneurs always do this the right way?
Feedback moves the world. But feedback only works under certain conditions - and here's an explanation.
Creating Imbalance is the secret key for a startup to go 10X
Operational bottlenecks are usually solved for. But there are other critical bottlenecks that can stall growth at startups.
'Managed-serve' is for suckers.
Operational bottlenecks are usually solved for, but there's a more critical bottleneck that can stall growth at startups.